Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Energy Drinks vs Coffee.... Is this even a Contest of Health?


     Okay! This rivalry isn't exactly age-old. It's kind of like placing Buzz Lightyear in a fight with the Lone Ranger.

     You have to consider several things. First, coffee has history on its side. For centuries coffee has been the drink of choice for millions. It comes from trees and has that "herbal remedy aura" since it is all natural. Second, energy drinks have quickly become an emblem of popular culture because you can find these beverages at almost any retail store. Lastly, while coffee delivers a nice dose of instant energy, energy drinks provide a stronger "slap" of caffeine, but it does not last as long as the effects of coffee. Which one could possibly come out on top?

     Countless doctors and psychologists conducted studies on which beverage is the healthier choice. In all honesty, neither of them can be all that great for a person, as they are both loaded with the drug of the Internet Age; Caffeine. "For a population complaining of fatigue, exhaustion, stress, and insomnia, it appears a near perfect antidote," said Matthew Edlund, M.D.

     In comparing the cultural differences of energy drinks and coffee, you must understand that coffee has been around seemingly since the dawn of time. Besides activating the minds of countless people throughout history, coffee is highly social, and coffeehouses have been the centers of community life for as long as I've seen them. Energy drinks are so popular for one reason; they provide a quick boost of energy. The quicker you guzzle them, the bigger the hit. Typically, you'll find that youths are the primary buyers of these beverages because of this quick hit.

     To resolve this rivalry, let's bring common sense into it. There is something more effective and far healthier than either coffee or energy drinks. I am referring to sleep. In order to fix your caffeine fix you must make the following changes:

1. Realize that rest is like food and it is necessary for function and survival. Deprive any animal of sleep long enough and it gets sick and dies. People need to get rest.

2. Recognize that caffeine is a drug whose "normal use" can abuse our bodies.

3. Use caffeine the way it's meant to be used - as a food we love. Energy drinks may have their use in sports, where the slightest edge can mean everything to competitors, or for plant workers tending a nuclear reactor late at night. But foods are social glues and forms of celebration. People want to dine, not feed. It's fun to sip a cup among peers, family, and friends, giving us a better chance to enjoy the buzz and enliven our brains.

The winner is.......sleep! It's not the sissy's way out!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yeah! Can I have an extra order of Blubber?!

     We all understand that belly fat is unhealthy, and it can be dangerous to have an excessive amount of it.
     However, here's something you probably didn't know. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat was historical known to be very important for humans. Our ancestors feasted heartily on whatever food they could successfully catch and they would store it as visceral fat.

    The fat was most useful in this area because they had easy access to the nutrients it could provide their bodies. In times of famine, the stored visceral fat could quickly go through the portal vein which feeds the liver and the fat would provide the liver with enough nutrients. Here allies the issue. In those days humans would spend the whole day hunting and physically asserting themselves, whereas today, we only have to stand in line at Burger King!

     Because of this, visceral fat accumulates in the belly and it poisons the liver by shoving chemicals through the portal vein, thus clogging the liver. In turn, the liver will produce bad cholesterol, inflammatory chemicals leading to diabetes, and this can even go as far as to block muscles from using sugar effectively.

     In addition to the negative effects on the liver, the visceral fat can become so big that it squeezes the kidneys, thus increasing blood pressure.

     So, belly fat causes high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. All of which lead to heart attacks, strokes, impotence, wrinkles, and so many other health issues. So what do you do to find out if you have too much belly fat?

     According to Dr. Oz, you should use a tape measure to size up the circumference of your belly. Once you obtain the measurement, that number should be half the size of your body's height.

     In my case, my belly's circumference is 32 inches, but I am 5 feet and 8 inches tall. This means I am 68 inches tall. When you chop that number in half, I am 2 inches away from being on the edge of having too much belly fat. Give this measurement a try, you might find that your not so fat after all. If not, just skip the dessert tonight.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen.....Let's Exercise!

     How often do you work out? When you work out, how long do you you usually exercise? One would think these are easily answerable questions. However, when you consider how often a person actually exercises, my guess is that you probably guess on the low-end of the spectrum.

     We've all seen articles stating, "Lack of exercise is detrimental to your health." This we know is obvious, but we never stop to think in what ways can a lack of exercise be unhealthy, or how many ways it can be unhealthy. Many consider weight gain to be the primary concern for a lack of exercise, to be followed by an increase in susceptibility to communicable diseases. While preventing these issues is important, we must also consider the other ways that exercise benefits our overall health.

     According to the US Centers for Disease Control, more than 54% of American adults don't exercise at least enough to promote wellness. I admittedly don't exercise to the fullest potential I know my body can. Would it be too much to actually take a trip to the gym before or after work?
     For the sake of your eyes, I won't list all the ways in which a lack of exercise affects your body, but I will give you my personal top three reasons to stay in shape, or get back into it.

     1. Increase risk of injury: According to Gabe Mirkin, M.D., aging isn't the reason for shrinking muscles, lack of exercise is purely the culprit. He said that if you fail to exercise, not only will your skeletal muscles shrink, your heart will also shrink. With your heart at a smaller size, it becomes less able to fight off infections and skeletal muscles become less protective as well as less able to heal.

     2. Increase depression rate: A study of 250 middle-aged women, conducted by the American College of Medicine indicates that there is a direct relationship between exercise and a positive attitude. One of the recommended techniques used to combat depression is an increase of physical activity. No one can deny the therapeutic properties of regular exercise.

    3. Age with grace: According to Dr. Abe Mirkin, about 50 percent of Americans die of heart attacks and strokes. 80 percent of those people are overweight or obese, which (like I said earlier) is associated with little exercise. Yet, only 13 percent of people over 65 engage in physical activity at least 3 days a week. For people at least 75 years of age, only 6 percent exercise regularly. Think about it!

     Okay, you my not be able to get to the gym everyday, but at least make some kind of effort to do something that will allow you to break a sweat. Physicians say at least one half an hour a day is all it takes to lead a healthier life. Don't sit down to that television show just yet! You have some push-ups to do first!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Roll that beautiful BEAN Footage

     What foods do you think contain the most antioxidants? Could it be a blueberry? Maybe even a bottle of green tea? If you chose one of those, you would be wrong. The foods that actually contain the most antioxidants are none other than beans; the "musical fruit."

     Red beans, kidney beans, black beans, and pinto beans contain the most antioxidants of any food we eat. Specifically, black beans contain the most. Due to their dark pigmentation, these beans have an abundance of flavonoids, thus they contain the most antioxidants of all beans.

     Beans are often overlooked in terms of health, because they are associated with fiber and flatulence. It is also common to pair beans with foods we perceive to be less healthy than your run-of-the-mill vegetable. For example, we often pair beans with steak, hot dogs (pork and beans) and we think of beans to always be loaded with brown sugar, like they are in baked beans.

     In a recent episode of ... you guessed it, Dr. Oz, the good surgeon showed us the best foods that we're not eating. He asked a lady in the audience to rank the foods she thought contained the most antioxidants from most to least, she placed beans last, originally. When it was time to reveal what foods were the best in terms of health, I wasn't too surprised to see beans coming in first place, because it's always what you least expect that always seems to happen.

Below is Dr. Oz's complete grocery list for a healthier you!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Meaning to the Word; "Print"

     I'm gonna hit you guys with a little scenario. Let's say you were in an accident and are consequently in need of a kidney. There are ten people in front of you on the donor list, but you don't have that much time left. Don't you wish there was some way to "make" a kidney? Well, I have some good news for everybody out there.
     Thursday, at a TED Conference in Long Beach, California, a representative of Wake Forrest Institute of Regenerative Medicine presented the concept of "printing" human organs, specifically kidneys. "It's like baking a cake," said Anthony Atala of Wake Forrest Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
     After creating a 3-D image of the patients kidney, a small tissue sample the size of half a postage stamp seeds the computerized process. Then, by replicating the small bit of tissue, the organ "printer" works layer-by-layer to build a fresh kidney.
     About 90% of the patients on the transplant list are in need of kidneys. According to Atala, the need for organs outweighs the supply of organs donated, thus not only making this system of generating organs innovative, but necessary.
     This procedure has already been tested on patients and has proven successful. College student Luke Massella was one of the first patients to receive a "printed" kidney when he was 10 years old. "The surgery saved my life and made me who I am today," said Massella.

     Think of the possibilities. If kidneys can be generated through this procedure, imagine what other vital organs can be "printed."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Longer Life, Anyone?

     Everywhere you look there are more ways to grant one's self longer life. Countless websites and TV programs love to display new health trends that "extend" life-span.  
     While some ideas are far-fetched and unpractical, some are reasonable and manageable. For example, in an episode of Dr. Oz, the good doctor explained a few ways to lengthen your life-span.
     He addresses the following methods for increasing life-span:
                                                   1. Blood Pressure
                                                   2. No Toxins and Cigarettes
                                                   3. Exercise 30 mins./day
                                                   4. Easy-to-love Healthy diet
                                                   5. Stress Control
     What do you think about this? Do you think these solutions are enough? What would you add to the list?
     It seems to me that these ideas to promote lengthy living are simple and realistic. (No gypsy magic here!)  If we follow these steps, who knows how much time we'll add to our lives? Maybe we'll add thirty minutes of time to our lives or perhaps a few years. This stuff might not even make a difference. The only way to find out is to try them!

     The following link guides you to footage is from the Dr. Oz Show. Copyright infringement not intended.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Please Don't take Away my Ramen (Aka: Salt)!!

     I have always loved Ramen Noodles. This is the ultimate snack-food. It has the appearance of a healthy treat since it is soup.

     Yet, you just know it is bad for you, because of its high sodium content. Why not just cut to the chase and pour a salt shaker down your throat? 
     I can't just turn my back on this snack even though it has 860 mg. of sodium. What it has in sodium, it lacks in other nutritionally bad qualities. It isn't particularly high in sugar or fat. So the only thing I have to worry about is stroking out at a young age! If I eat this snack sparingly, I suppose it wouldn't be as threatening. So once in a while, I know I can take a bag of Ramen Noodles for my lunch breaks at Walmart.

     However, I recently discovered that there are worse foods with higher sodium content than my Ramen Noodles. Today, I was contemplating what to take to work for lunch today, when I discovered a small box of Simply Asia Soup. 

     This soup shares many of the same characteristics as the popular Ramen, however it has an Asian blend of seasoning and a sweet and sour tang. Simply Asia has 1260 mg. of sodium! This was a definite shock to me since I always considered Asian food to be on the healthier side.

     I was going to take it for lunch, but when I saw that 1260 mg. of sodium there was no way I could  consume this without some kind of negative after effect. That being said, I am not saying that a person shouldn't eat this product, but due to my family's history of high blood pressure, it is not a good idea for my lunch plans.

    No matter what you eat, always check the nutrition facts on the back of the packaging. It could save you from a future of high blood pressure! Also, remember to eat Ramen Noodles responsibly!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mmmm Death tastes so good!

     Growing up, I used to love going to McDonald's. It was something that I valued to such an extent that when my parents started using McDonald's Happy Meals to reward me for good behavior. One of my favorite foods at McDonald's was easily there small fry. Those fries just have that taste that keeps you coming back for more! As a kid, I just loved those golden-brown twiggs of potato. I loved them so much, nobody could have persuaded me to think that they were bad for me. Now my eyes are open to what McDonald's fries really are.      
     They are the worst things on the menu. Forget the over-salting and the deep-fried greesiness. These things aren't even worthy of being called potatoes anymore. Watching a study conducted during the documentary; Supersize Me, Morgan Spurlock (the star and director) placed several different burgers and some fries in jars and let them sit for extended periods of time. The fries lasted for ten weeks, even though they didn't spoil. They were accidentally thrown out. Only the good Lord knows how long these fries would have lasted. Needles to say, if I can help it, I am not going to eat as much McDonald's fries as I used to!

Check out this experiment! Maybe even try it out yourself.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Food vs. Sleep: Which one will be Champion?

     In a recent episode of Dr. Oz, the good doctor, himself pointed out that sleep was directly related to healthy weight. He said that if you don't get the correct amount of sleep in the evening, your body will try to compensate by replacing sleep with food.

     You will feel the hunger or a strong urge to eat more than you need because the body will overly compensate treating food as the fuel it needs. You'll find yourself nourishing your body with too much food instead of the sleep that it craves. This can easily lead to weight gain and health issues that result from it. This explains so much about my eating habits as well.

     While I do eat healthy foods (as of now), I find myself overeating at times. To prove I don't sleep as much as I should, I am finishing this blog entry at 2:47 A.M. I must stop this! Oh well! I'll stop someday, I guess.

Take a quick look at this interesting article! (Your Life = Changed)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Grocery Store Madness!

     This past Friday, I made a run to the Shop "n" Save in Rochester. During my travels inside the store, I made a rather frightening discovery. Most of the fruits and vegetables cost more than the junk food slathered throughout the store. I actually compared the prices of Little Debbie Zebra Cakes  to the prices for pineapple, grapes, apples, and bagged salads.

     All of the healthier foods were pricey in comparison to these cakes, potatoe chips, and candy bars. As if it isn't already difficult to eat healthy foods, people have to have echoing wallets as well? I always thought there were no negatives to eating healthy! Organic foods are even more expensive. Because of this I only buy organic foods on sale.
     All I can truly say is that I hope to find a well-paying job upon my graduation because I am going to need a substantial amount of money to pay for healthy eating habbits! Instead of Buggs Bunny pulling out a carrot from the ground, the animators should have considered giving him dollar bills to eat instead. Don't worry Buggs! I hear the paper which dollars are made from provide a good source of roughage!

To Illustrate my point even more here is a link:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sugar is Deadly

     This is the first blog I have ever written, so I figured I would talk about something that I consider quite annoying. While sitting in Penn State Beaver's game room, yesterday, I came across an episode of Dr. OZ. The theme of his show was the deadliest food in the household. Oz said that sugar was linked to almost all health problems, Americans commonly struggle with, such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, etc. This episode left me a little concerned. Diabetes runs in my family and my own father is a type 1 diabetic.

     I realize that my chances of becoming a diabetic are increased, and that sugar is terrible for people, but my kitchen is filled with sugary foods. Besides that, almost all foods contain some form of sugar. On top of this, I think I may be addicted to soda. People commonly find me with a Dr. Pepper in my hand, but lately I have found ways to limit my sugar intake.
     I'm not actually cutting soda out of my diet, but I have cut my soda drinking drastically. I now limit myself to one bottle-a-day. I only break this limit when I study, because soda keeps me awake. Hopefully,  cutting back on the sweets will allow me to avoid diabetes at a later age. I truly hope this works, since I can't completely rid myself of Dr. Pepper.