Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yeah! Can I have an extra order of Blubber?!

     We all understand that belly fat is unhealthy, and it can be dangerous to have an excessive amount of it.
     However, here's something you probably didn't know. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat was historical known to be very important for humans. Our ancestors feasted heartily on whatever food they could successfully catch and they would store it as visceral fat.

    The fat was most useful in this area because they had easy access to the nutrients it could provide their bodies. In times of famine, the stored visceral fat could quickly go through the portal vein which feeds the liver and the fat would provide the liver with enough nutrients. Here allies the issue. In those days humans would spend the whole day hunting and physically asserting themselves, whereas today, we only have to stand in line at Burger King!

     Because of this, visceral fat accumulates in the belly and it poisons the liver by shoving chemicals through the portal vein, thus clogging the liver. In turn, the liver will produce bad cholesterol, inflammatory chemicals leading to diabetes, and this can even go as far as to block muscles from using sugar effectively.

     In addition to the negative effects on the liver, the visceral fat can become so big that it squeezes the kidneys, thus increasing blood pressure.

     So, belly fat causes high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. All of which lead to heart attacks, strokes, impotence, wrinkles, and so many other health issues. So what do you do to find out if you have too much belly fat?

     According to Dr. Oz, you should use a tape measure to size up the circumference of your belly. Once you obtain the measurement, that number should be half the size of your body's height.

     In my case, my belly's circumference is 32 inches, but I am 5 feet and 8 inches tall. This means I am 68 inches tall. When you chop that number in half, I am 2 inches away from being on the edge of having too much belly fat. Give this measurement a try, you might find that your not so fat after all. If not, just skip the dessert tonight.


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